Friday, August 24, 2012

Jesienią Zawsze Zaczyna Się Szkoła...

Już wkrótce koniec szkolnych wakacji. Dzieci wrócą do szkól, na drogach zapanuje poranno-popołudniowy korek, a porfele rodziców znowu będą się musiały zmierzyć z wrześniowymi wydatkami. W dialogu poniżej dwie mamy Niamh i Natalia rozmawiają o wydatkach związanych ze szkołą takich jak podręczniki, mundurki, przybory do pisania itp. oraz wymieniają się pomysłami na oszczędności. 

at school age – w wieku szkolnym
back to school z powrotem do szkoły
cardigan – rozpinany sweter
classmates – koledzy z klasy
clothing and footwear allowance – zasiłek na odzież i obuwie
excited about – podekscytowana
jumper - sweter
PE – (abbr. Physical Education) – WF Wychowanie Fizyczne
runners – adidasy
ruled notebooks – zeszyty w linie
sportsgear sprzęt sportowy
stationary & art supplies – przybory do pisania i materiały na plastykę (kredki, farby etc)
to buy one size up kupować o numer za duże
tracksuit – dres
uniform – mundurek
Niamh:    So, Natalia, your little girl is going back to school this week, isn’t she?
Natalia:   Yes, she is. She is very excited about seeing all her classmates again. Myself, I am much less excited about all the costs looming ahead.
Niamh:    I know how you are feeling...It’s all very expensive these days:  uniforms,  tracksuits, all the sportsgear,  schoolbooks, you name it...
Natalia:   Yeah, then add stationary, art supplies, science materials, copybooks, folders  and you have just shelled out a small fortune...
Niamh:    When my kids were at school age  I was always trying to find some second hand schoolbooks and I remember we could save at least 50pc compared to the cost of  new books.
Natalia:   That’s right... Someone has mentioned this to me already. I guess I have to look it up on the web – someone must have set up a book exchange website already!
Niamh:    Listen, I have another tip for you: make sure you shop around for generic items such as a navy skirt or trousers or a white or blue shirt. Surely you will have to purchase items with the school crest such as a jumper or a tracksuit from a particular, and usually expensive store but either way buy one size up to allow room for growth.
Natalia:   That’s true, kids grow quickly. But some items have to be perfect fit, for example runners and boots. By the way, have you ever applied for the school clothing & footwear allowance?
Niamh:    No, I have not. I think that in order to apply for this your total household income must be below a certain threshold and you must be getting some social welfare payments already.
Natalia:   That’s right. I applied for this already in July but I haven’t heard anything back from my HSE office yet..
Niamh:    How do you apply for that?
Natalia:   You have to submit an application by end of September. You can request a form by texting FORM BTSCFA followed by your postal address to 51909….
1. A set of standardized clothes common in primary and secondary schools.
4. A type of sweater (or jumper) that ties, buttons or zips down the front
6. Paints, crayons, coloring pencils are all called art __________.
7. Gym class (abbreviation)
8. Shoes, boots, runners
9. Pens, pencils and notebooks
10. Enthusiastic and waiting for someting to happen
2. A writing pad with lines printed on every page is called a _______ notebook.
3. All money available in a household is called a houshold ________.
5. A type of social welfare payment

Powyższy artykuł ukazał się w ostatnim wydaniu "Polskiej Gazety" z dnia 24/08/2012
